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Da Conho
22; "mad Brazilian" and boss of Profane at Schlozhauer's Trocadero; 27

Daily Malta Chronicle
467; figured in June 1919 Disturbances

12; "gargantuan Negro" who stops Ploy from jumping off the USS Scaffold; 436; 440

D'Annunzio, Gabriele (1863-1938)

242; Italian poet, adventurer and political leader; a fierce patriot, he was a strong supporter of the Fascist party under Mussolini; affair with the Duse, 247-49; "poet-militant," 473; See also Duse, Eleonora; Fiume; Fuoco, Il

Dante Alighieri
472; one of the Mizzist "clubs"

464; Strait between Aegean Sea and Sea of Marmara. The ancient city of Troy lies just to the south

Dark One

313; with whom the Bad Priest is suspected of being a confederate; See also Devil

434; British Commando in Valletta

165; Italian: "indeed, truly"

dawn chorus
230; sferics which sound like warbling of birds

Day of the 13 Raids
306; during siege of Malta by the Germans and Italians in WWII; 322; 324; Elena killed during, 341


"the desert shifted relentless over corpses of their own," 23; "You never hear the one that gets you," 23; Angel of, 29, 243, 254; Kingdom of, 54, 273, 290, 325, 330, 411; "the soul of Charlie Parker had dissolved away into a hostile March wind," 60; "last charismatic bestowal," 63; "apprentice tombstone-cutter," 69; "momentary death: desert" 78; "corpse fingers," 81; "a sleep which is almost death," 83; life after, 95; latent sense of, 98; "He talked like a man under a death sentence." 100; death-masks, 103; corpse, 112; "How did he justify killing them off three a day?" 121; "eyes of ghost-rats," 122; "a death grin on its face," 125; decay, 125; Sfacimento, 140; Eyes: "Dead as the leaves in Union Square/Dead as the graveyard sea," 141; "Profane giving death," 146; "the most perfect shape of that was dead," 146; "the most gently radiant of wakes" 184-85; Dance of Death, 201, 262, 273, 296, 303; Kalahari, 229; death song, 244; "bone of the starved corpose there just under the skin" 244; Dies Irae, 252; and Decadence, 298, 321; "collapsed from a heart attack, lingered, died [...] They took the cadaver off to a ravine to toss it in" 256; "led by a rather sinuous, effeminate Death in his black cloak, carrying his scythe and followed by all ranks of society from prince to peasant." 262; "clubbed him to death," 263; "when he gave up the ghost," 263; "Let the dead get to the task of burying their dead," 266; "made his partners lie still, like corpses," 270; "even when they knew the note might well be a death warrant" 270; "black corpse impaled on a thorn tree" 273; "identical female corpses," 273; "littered with bodies and parts of bodies which had once belonged to Bondels," 275; "Many Bondels dead, baases dead, van Wijk dead." 279; death seat, 285; "Am I dead?" 286; mass deaths, 290; "how can a man write his life unless he is virtually certain of the hour of his death?" 306; "what Herculean poetic feats might be left to him in perhaps the score of years between a premature apologia and death?" 306; "Because I do not hope to survive [...] death from the air." 308; "death--its smell," 315; "guarded by instruments of death," 315; "no fellow soul/Drops death from the Air" 326; "Their view of death was non-human" 332; "Her nails, broken from burying the dead," 336; "the death of a parent, the daily handling of corpses," 337; V.'s (Bad Priest's) death, 344; "the Grand Climacteric," 360; death-cast, 387; "crucified English corpses," 388; "drowned corpse," 403; "body of his love floating belly up," 403; "the act of love and the act of death are one," 410; "politics of slow dying," 410; "death by accident," 414; dead in a week, 434; "becomes an adulterer or rival," 445; Mehemet: "The only change is toward death," 460; "death's flotilla," 464, 484; "like death it cuts through and gathers in all ranks of society" 471; death-mask, 488; "dead astern," 492; See also decadence; entropy; inanimate; Sailor's Grave; suicide

191; city on coast of northern France just south of Le Havre


"Romanticism in its further decadence," 56; "It was in short a deterioration of purpose; a decay." 101; "the world can only be rescued from certain decay through Heroic Love." 125; "'Sfacimento.' In Italian it meant destruction or decay." 140; Decadents of England and France, 160; "Pig Bodine a byword of decadence throughout the squadron" 218; decky-dance, 220; "king of the decky-dance" 221; "a decadent whisper" 265; "when this Decadence was past and the planets were being colonized" 297; "This sort of arranging and rearranging was Decadence, but the exhaustion of all possible permutations and combinations was death." 298; "all shared this sensitivity to decadence, of a slow falling," 317; "a clear movement towards death [...] or inhumanity," 321; "As we move further into decadence [to be convinced of our humanity] becomes more difficult." 322; "connection between mother-rule and decadence" 337; Roman Catholicism "always becomes fashionable during a Decadence" 353; "a falling away from what is human," 405; I am [...] the cunningly detailed shackles of decadent passion." 454; See also death; entropy; inanimate

458; the Ten Commandments

de Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978)

303; Italian artist and writer born in Greece famous for dreamlike paintings of deserted squares, streets, &c.; his novel, Hebdomeros, 307; de Chirico Page (Italian); Wikipedia

deck ape
10; Navy enlisted man

De Costa, Min
379; "kept orphan mice and was a practicing witch" in Profane's old neighborhood

84; In Islam, the antichrist, to be slain on the Last Day by the Christ

de Kooning, Willem (b. 1904)
380; Dutch-born American painter

Delcassé, Théophile (1852-1923)
67; Foreign Minister of French Cabinet, 1898-1905, 1914-15

135; vibes player in after-hours club where Profane, Geronimo and Mendozas go

Della Torre

467; "delatóre" is Italian for "informer"

de Mérode, Cleo
247; early 20th century dancer; was the mistress of Leopold II of Belgium

210; French: "estate, domain"

78; In Greek mythology, the goddess of the fruitfulness of the earth; daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and Poseidon; aka earth mother

188; rangy, prematurely grey man with S. Stencil in F.O. in Florence in 1899; with S. Stencil in Malta, 1919, 469


"inner circle of deracinated seers,"160; "Have I not been ripped up by the roots, screaming like the mandrake [...]" 203; "'Deracinated. Which of them is not. Which of this Crew couldn't pick up tomorrow and go off to Malta [...]" 382; "A peasant with all his uptorn roots showing" 460

12; Destroyer Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. DesLant was eventually combined with Cruiser Force into Cruiser-Destroyer Force. CruDesLant was disestablished on 31 Dec 1974 when it, the Amphibious Force, and the Service Force were combined to create the Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. (There was a parallel organization on the West Coast -- DesPac)

de Toledo, Don Garcia
464; viceroy of Sicily


aka Satan, 73,121; devil's advocate, 146; aka the Dark One, 313; aka Lucifer, 339;See also Dark One

Devil's Island

419; French penal colony located in French Guiana which is in South America bordering the Atlantic. Although political prisoners had been sent there since 1798, an official penal colony wasn't established until 1852. Convicts were shipped there until 1935.

Dies Irae
252; Latin: "day of wrath"; the Dies Irae is a section of the Roman Catholic Mass (Mass for the dead) whose text and music date from the 13th Century. The original music has also been used in secular compositions to suggest death, e.g. Saint-Saëns' Danse Macabre ("Dance of Death"); 255

Dietrich, Marlena (1901- 92)
250; German-born American film actress and cabaret performer who played sexy, enigmatic women

digital computers
293; 412

183; a shear usually corded cotton fabric of plain weave in stripes or checks; 198; 224

Disreputable Quarter
468; in Valletta

305; engineer-poet and one of Generation of '37; now (c.1955) "building roads in America," 307; 312; his poem about "a dogfight (Spitfire v. ME-109)," 316; 326-27; See also Generation of '37

Dobbie, Sir William George (1879-1964)
338; governor of Malta from 1940-42 during the incessant German and Italian air attack

Dog Star

290; English name for Sirius as it's the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Latin: "Big Dog"). The phrase "dog days" for the hottest days of the summer refers to the Roman belief that the heat was caused by the Sun and Sirius rising together at that time; dog days, 290, 311, 385, 403; Sirius, 393

Dog Story, A
219; one of Pig's porno radio productions while with Task Force 60 in the Mediterranean, starring St. Bernard named Fido and two WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service - a woman serving in the Navy)

Dog and Bell
466; pub in S. Stencil's song

10; in hiding; 459

135; friend of Geronimo's and Angel's; 150; 218

marijuana, 114; string, 123; black Panamanian, 124; Ganna bush, 279 (?); righteous moss, 281; "ain't no dope in Lenox," 299, 350; pot, 380, 383; absinthe, 195, 398; 366; hashish, 398, 459, 460; hashish dreams, 404; "he vowed [...] never to touch drugs again." 413

402; 13-year-old heroine of Gerfaut's latest novel

365; early 60's TV cop show starring Jack Webb as Officer Friday

462-63; a Turkish corsair (privateer along the Barbary Coast) who, with Piali and Mustafa, laid siege to Malta in 1565; killed, 464

"Santa's bag is filled with all your dreams come true," 10; "a normal night's dream turned to nightmare," 10; "she dreamed of the para," 19; "dreaming of lunar-looking deserts," 23; "you may be the man of my dreams," 24; "Eyes dreaming of grinning Buick grills," 35; Profane, 38; Profane's of boy with golden screw in his navel, 39-40; "I have bad dreams about people like you." 48; "a dreamy 10 percent who had not got the word," 60; Stencil "would dream [...] that it had all been a dream," 61; "The rest was impersonation and dream." 63; "to dream of one Maryam," 66; "at dream's verge," 67; 72; "facing uptown and perhaps some dream," 96; Zeitsuss, 112; Winsome's great secret dream, 124; "no more logical than the objects in his dreams," 139; stuff of myth, 142; "Mazzini with his lambent dreams," 159; "Even your dreams become flooded with colors," 170; "in Vheissu [...] dreams [...] do seem more real." 171; "There were more candles at this point perhaps than even he could dream" 184; "The skin which had wrinkled through my nightmares [...] a gaudy dream [...] a dream of annihilation." 206; "What of [...] her dreams," 210; "A gaudy dream, a dream of annihilation," 210; Mantissa's "dream was about to be consummated," 209; "it had been her dream since childhood," 210; Profane's daydream, 213, 217; bum "dreaming his own submarine country," 215; Mafia's "loony and erotic dream," 220; Mondaugen "dreamed gunshots and human screams." 233; "as if Mondaugen had dreamed them." 238; Mondaugen dreaming of Munich, 243; "Like the 'eye' in [Mondaugen's] dream of Fasching," 246; WWI destroyed "the privacy of dream." 248; 252; "if dreams are only waking sensation first stored and later operated on, the dreams of a voyeur," 254 55; Foppl prescribing his guests' "common dream," 255; "if I am not here then where are all these dreams coming from, if dreams is [sic] what they are." 258; "What youthful dream?" 259; "Under-the-Bed is even stranger country than neurasthenic children have dreamt it to be." 261; "Charisma was having nightmares in the next room." 287; "half a dream-dialogue" 300; "The dog began to scream at humid nightmare-shapes." 302; "But the desert, or a row of false shop fronts; a slag pile, a forge where the fires are banked, these and the street and the dreamer, only an inconsequential shadow himself in the landscape, partaking of the soullessness of these other masses and shadows; this is 20th Century nightmare." 324; "the expectancy of dreams, where our awaited is unclear and unnamable." 324; "in dream there are two worlds: the street and under the street. One is the kingdom of death and one of life." 325; "A poet feeds on dream." 325; "dream-street" 325; "dream of a great wine-hoard," 329; "a waltz we'd only now dreamed" 335; "oneiric chill," 335; "bad faith of dreams," 335; "dream-meteorology," 337; "life's really dreamy," 351; "of defenestration," 359; "a secret dream that can't be talked about," 370; sex dreams, 370; Mélanie's, 401-02; hashish, 404; "dreamy eyed," 405; "he left all such dreaming to his compatriot Satin" 412; "the expression on the normally dead face was one which would disturb for years the dreams of those in the front rows." 414; "dreamy and belligerent," 447; oneiromancer, 452; Grandmaster La Valette's, 457; "retreat into dreams," 459; S. Stencil's dream of entering his brain, 471; "They were fever dreams: the kind where one is given an impossibly complex problem to solve, and keeps chasing dead ends, following random promises, frustrated at every turn, until the fever breaks." 471; "dream-wall," 475; "their separate dreams and worries," 483; See also underground


190; Triple Alliance (Austria, Italy, Germany) which opposed theTriple Entente (Russia, France, England); See also threesomes; Triple Alliance

Dreyfus, Captain Alfred (1859-1935)
399; French army officer who, in 1893-94, was unjustly accused of delivering to a foreign government documents connected with the national defence, court-martialed and sentenced to life on Devil's Island. In 1906, when anti-semitism had died down in France, the verdict was reversed and he was restored to army rank and fought in WWI; Wikipedia

112; wood nymph

duality/paired opposites

"this long daisy chain of victimizers and victims, screwers and screwees" 49; "Screwer and screwee." 50; "Approach and avoid." 55; "twinned man," 58; Schlemihl (9)/Schlimazzel (24, 122); accident/design (fortuna/virtu), 78; lion/fox, 162, 202-03, 321 (Maltese folktale about elephants); fortune/virtu, 78; grid/mosaic, 139; "antiphonal response," 179; "Anglo saxon tendency to group northern/Protestant/intellectual against Mediterranean/Roman Catholic/irrational." 190; "son is doppelgänger to the father," 199; "destroyer and destroyed and the act which united them," 264; black/white, 280-81; "Either the street or all couped up." 291; Set/Reset, 293; flip-flop, 293; mouth/ear, 299; dual man, 309, 314; English/Maltese, 309, 314, 330, 336; Father Avalanche/Bad Priest, 312; dual soul, 320; Universe-at-peace/beleaguered city, 330; "an unconscious identification of one's own mother with the Virgin all sent simple dualism into strange patterns indeed" 338; wolf/dog, traitor/ally, 339; endogamy/exogamy, 407; anti Porcépic/Porcépiquistes, 412; Right/Left (hothouse v. the street), 448, 468, 486, 487, 489; cross-purposes, 484; optimist/pessimist, 485; "opposite number, " 312, 339, 486; See also Flip and Flop; Fortune; Manichean; virtú

63; the rules or practice of dueling; 98; Wikipedia

272; chaperon; in Spanish and Portugese families, an elderly woman who serves as governess/companion to the younger women

462; marked by dullness or drabness; grayish yellow

Duncan, Isadora (1878-1927)
403; American dancer who created a new form of dance inspired by Greek mythology and art; Wikipedia


184; cathedral in Florence designed by Brunelleschi; See also Brunelleschi, Filippo; Wikipedia

478; "the ragman"; in love with kitchen maid at La Manganese's villa; murdered and mutilated by I Banditti, 484

Duse, Eleonora (1858-1924)

247; Internationally celebrated Italian stage actress; appeared in only one film, Cenere (1916), later re-released as Madre; "her poet chap" would be D'Annunzio with whom she had a passionate affair; "nor selling her jewels to suppress the novel about her" 248; "She was past forty and in love", 248; See also D'Annunzio, Gabriele; Fuoco, Il

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