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The following list provides errata for a number of editions of V., starting with the errors discussed in "The Two V.s of Thomas Pynchon" (, and indicates places where readers, including Pynchon, have found misspellings, punctuation gaffes or other mistakes. Please note that some of these "mistakes" may be deliberate stylistic choices on the author's part. The page differs from other pages on the V. Wiki in that the editions referenced include 492 page editions (Lippincott [1963], Modern Library [1966], Perennial [1986], Cape [1963], and Vintage [1995], the latter two of which are different from the former three), the 463 page Bantam (1964), the 533 page Perennial (1999), and the 547 page Perennial (2005) as well as the Penguin e-edition (2012), the text of which seems to follow the 2005 Perennial. The dates correspond to the first date of issuance, though the text of an edition seems to have remained unchanged until the page numbers changed, that is, the text of the Perennial editions seems to have remained constant until the 1999 resetting that led to the first 533 page text. Page and line numbers, therefore, will be followed by dates in parentheses and in the case of British editions, the publisher's name.

Page 29 (2005) "four foot nine" replaces 4'10", which appears in all other editions, except the Penguin e-edition (2012).

Page 83 (1963, 1966, 1986) "'the city is only the desert — gebel — in disguise.' Gebel, Gebrail. Why should he not call himself by the desert's name? Why not?" is left out of the British and Bantam editions so that the text reads "the city is only the desert in disguise" (Cape/Vintage, 83).

Page 84 (1963, 1966, 1986)"But Gebrail/Gebel, the desert's angel, had . . ." is left out of the British and Bantam editions so that the text reads "But the desert's angel had . . ." (Cape/Vintage 83; Bantam, 72)

Page 149 (1963, 1966, 1986)"They stayed to near Last Call" was removed for the British and Bantam editions: the text reads, "They stayed till 9:30 or 10" (Bantam, ); The Jonathan Cape/Vintage edition has a dot between 9 and 3 instead of a colon (149).

Page 149 (1963, 1966, 1986) "around midnight" was an error that was removed from the Cape and Bantam editions.

Page 456 (1963, 1966, 1986)"though it was June" was an error that was removed from the Cape (1963) and Bantam (1964) editions.

Page 232 (2005) "five foot one" replaces 5'1", which appears in all other editions, except the Penguin e-edition.

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